Willett Family Estate 15 Year (Barrel 2501)

Willett Family Estate 15 Year (Barrel 2501)

I’ve tried one Willett, Pot Still Reserve. I won’t hold it against them :P. I know that one doesn’t really count, this is my first experience with real Willett. Don’t really have any particular expectations going in.

Source: Poured at The Gresham, Brisbane, Australia.
Setup: Unblind
Drank: Neat, in a Glencairn-style stemmed glass. Rested 5-10 minutes.

Nose: Peach pit, kale, berries. Fennel, some pickle and capers. Asphalt. Really unique nose, good complexity.
Palate: Medium spice. Both creamy and spiky. Capers.
Finish: Finishes on a reasonably long note of spice, plum skin, treacle and wood. Not a huge amount of tannins.
Overall: That note of rye showed itself in a way I haven’t really experienced before. Asphalt and capers?! Cool.

Rating: 7

Thoughts: Another super interesting and good bourbon, I’m really getting spoiled in the last few days. Unfortunately I keep drinking stuff I’ll never be able to own a bottle of.